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AngelOne October 2023 Newsletter

Writer's picture: AngelOneAngelOne


October 2023





- Praises in Peru

Torch Light Aviation

"Mind the Gap"

- GYC Portland

The Peterson Family

Ezekiel 22:30

- Helicopter Fund



PRAISES IN PERU - We are so grateful for your prayers as the AngelOne operations team safely and successfully made connections with the wonderful missionaries at Peru Projects. We look forward to assisting this ministry as it grows under new leadership, and continues to spread the gospel and meet the needs of the local population. We can’t wait to share stories and pictures!



AngelOne will be attending GYC in Portland, Oregon this December from the 27 th - 31st. Stop by our booth and say ‘Hi’ if you’re in the area!



Fundraising Goal: $340,000

To Be Matched 1:1

Amount Raised: $210,204



TORCH LIGHT AVIATION - Brendon, Lizzy, and adorable baby Elliot Peterson are preparing to leave for the Philippines as missionaries with Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS). Both have had a desire to serve as missionaries since they were kids. Brendon made up his mind very young that he would be a mission pilot flying medical flights in the jungle. Lizzy dreamed of being a medical missionary and serving people in difficult-to-access places. God brought their lives and dreams together and when the time was right, would send them to the mission field.

“Although I have had some great opportunities to build experience in aviation, I am most grateful for the experience of working hard and trusting God in places of little to no support. Also the opportunity we had to watch God at work in our lives as He grew our faith in Him and in Christian principles. Transitioning into mission work is a big step for us and we have a lot of unanswered questions. Finances will always be a point of faith until the Lord returns, but we have seen God work before and we are confident that he will do it again! Our prayers are for every individual who answers the call to mission service and especially mission aviation. God is faithful and "He, who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it." Philippians 1:6.”



"MIND THE GAP" Ezekiel 22:30

Brendon Peterson (of Torch Light Aviation) is one of the pilots that inspired the creation of AngelOne. Our feature story this month delves into the history of AngelOne, and where we’re headed in the future.

A few short years ago, the concept of AngelOne was born during the board meeting of an Adventist ministry that didn’t have anything to do with pilots, airplanes or helicopters. However, those present were people passionate about using every means possible to carry the gospel to every “nation, kindred, tongue and people,” Revelation 14:6. The conversation had diverged from the business at hand to the state of Adventist mission aviation. AngelOne providentially emerged from that board meeting derailment to a rapidly growing ministry committed to supporting mission aviation today.

AngelOne from its inception grew with newly accredited mission aviators in mind. One of AngelOne’s most important commitments is to connect ministries with up-and-coming pilots and aviation mechanics. AngelOne has been privileged to work with several young adults that have started their journey at a very young age, doing whatever odd jobs they could find in order to save towards their dream of becoming a mission pilot.

Once this issue of funding was identified, AngelOne created “Mind The Gap” (Ezekiel 22:30). Mind The Gap is an initiative to assist developing pilots and aviation mechanics wherever support is needed. Some need help with fundraising for their training. Others need access to a more affordable plane or helicopter in which to build experience. All benefit greatly from the mentorship, spiritual support and mission aviation relationships built through Mind the Gap.

Mind the Gap has several participants already benefiting from the program, but it was created with a 3-phase plan in mind that is currently in development: – The first phase was to purchase a plane to give access to pilots who needed training and hours of experience to prepare them for becoming an Adventist missionary pilot. We are happy to report this has been accomplished and the aircraft has been used with several missionaries already! The Cessna 172 committed to Mind the Gap is currently based in Michigan.

– The second phase started by connecting developing pilots to a network of experienced pilot mentors. This phase of development is growing rapidly with countless hours invested by AngelOne team members in mentoring conversations. An Adventist mission aviation group hosted by AngelOne has created a virtual community for pilots and mechanics. Recently, that community was expanded and strengthened by bi-monthly Town Hall Meetings. The biggest leap forward in this phase came in July. Oklahoma Adventist Academy, which has an incredible mission aviation program for academy students, partnered with AngelOne to host “Elevate,” the first Adventist Mission Aviation Fly-In. Our first Elevate networking event brought current and retired aviators, mechanics-in-training, and mission aviation supporters together for spiritual and educational meetings, mentorship, and collaboration. Plans are already in the works for Elevate 2024 to be held towards the end of September or beginning of October again at Oklahoma Academy.

– The third phase of Mind the Gap is AngelOne’s next focus. Aviators who fund their own training often are paralyzed post-graduation with education loans. Oklahoma Adventist Academy has successfully established a fully-subsidized pilot training program that pairs donors with students who are living their commitment to missions locally while in training and have also committed to a term of service upon their graduation. AngelOne is looking to develop a similar fund that comes in correlation with a mission service agreement.

If you are one who dreams of being a mission aviator or know someone who is, please reach out to us at AngelOne about joining Mind the Gap. If you are in a position to help AngelOne maintain the first two phases of Mind the Gap or to realize the third phase in establishing a fund for training, please contact us today! Thank you for your prayers and support of Adventist Mission Aviation!


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