At AngelOne, we feel it is important to keep you informed and engaged with the different aviation ministries we support worldwide. This newsletter showcases the direct impact of your generous contributions on these vital mission projects. Every month, we will give you a glimpse into the stories, successes, and challenges faced by dedicated missionaries as we work together to uplift and bring hope to souls around the world. Your continued support drives our shared mission. Thank you for being a beacon of compassion!
On March 1, a helicopter for Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS) disappeared on a service flight. On board were pilot Daniel Lui, flight nurse Janelle Alder, and three other passengers. That morning, the helicopter’s GPS signals suddenly halted and later the same day searches began for the craft and its missing passengers.
As search and rescue efforts commenced with fervor, prayers from around the world went up entreating for the safety of the missing crew and passengers. The tragedy gained rapid attention and soon government, navy, private sonar companies and others were involved in the search. Despite these concerted efforts, little was found that could shed light on the incident and relieve the families of the missing individuals. A pillow and a pair of shoes were found floating at sea that were thought to belong to Janelle and another passenger, but while these findings were a spark of hope, no further evidence was discovered.
For several weeks, a Sea Scan Survey team conducted a thorough analysis of the seafloor in the area where the helicopter’s GPS last pinged. On May 4, the scans were completed and operations ended. Nothing was found that could indicate anything about a possible crash site or debris, and unfortunately there are still more questions than answers as to the craft, its faithful crew, and the passengers onboard.
Founded in 2007, PAMAS is an independent organization that provides emergency medical services to those living in remote and underserved areas in the Philippines.

The ministry aims to give air support and medical assistance to these communities, spread the gospel, and establish new missions in hard-to-reach areas where they are needed most. Daniel Lui and Janelle Alder committed their lives to this same mission and shared a passion for rescuing souls, physically and spiritually. Selflessly they have set an example for all by tirelessly advancing Christ’s gospel and serving Him through service to the people of the Philippines. While we do not always understand why God allows trials and tribulations to affect His people, we do know that He is trustworthy and cares for the physical and spiritual well-being of all His children. In Romans 8:22 we are told that “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (NLT). PAMAS has since seen a surge of interest from volunteers, longing in earnest to take up the torch and serve in God's calling. The impact of these missionaries’ service cannot be measured and we may not on this earth realize the full effects, but their influence will surely be seen in the hereafter.

At AngelOne, our goal is to support ministries like PAMAS and empower more faithful men and women to dedicate their energies to the furtherance of the gospel message. As other eager servants of Christ come forward, AngelOne is prepared to provide additional resources for these individuals, as well as two new helicopters for the PAMAS mission. This will allow them to sustain their growth as they seek to expand their sphere of service.
If you would like to help continue this mission and the ongoing work in the Philippines, we invite you to contribute towards the $1,500,000 goal to acquire newer helicopters, with the assurance that your donation will be matched on a 1:1 basis up to $750,000. By giving to this operation you are not only partnering with like-minded believers in service to Christ, you are furthering the work of these faithful missionaries until the Gospel is spread to every corner of the earth. Press the button below to donate to the helicopter fundraiser.
If you would like to learn more about other AngelOne mission aviation projects around the globe, please visit